In March and April, different audits have been carried out by our auditors, our Quality and CSR Director of WORLDCOB, Daniel Javier, together with the rest of the Board of Directors.
On March 21, an on-site audit was carried out at TL Plásticos de México, to present them with a plaque for compliance with the Worldcob CSR 2011.3 Standard in the second year of certification. Our auditor Daniel Javier, had the great satisfaction of delivering this recognition to Rodolfo Terrones Lopez.
Similarly, on March 22, the second visit was made to the company Prefabricados de Concreto Solana in Mexico, which was evaluated by our CSR auditor, Daniel Javier, who was very pleased to visit the company and to meet the engineer María del Coral Hernández Vázquez and other members of the company, José Conde Flores. It is expected that they will meet the requirements to be granted certification by WORLDCOB.
Subsequently, on March 28, an on-site audit of COOPERATIVA INTEGRAL DE AHORRO Y CRÉDITO “COOPEDEL” RESPONSABILIDAD LIMITADA. took place in Quito, Ecuador, which was evaluated by our CSR auditor, Roddy Vera, Corporate Social Responsibility Consultant Pinto was very pleased to visit the company and meet its members. It is also expected that they will comply with the requirements for certification.
On April 14, the on-site audit of Faculdade Morgana Potrich – FAMP in Brazil was carried out and evaluated by our auditor Nicolas Caffaro, who was very pleased to visit the company and meet its members Morgana Potrich and Milena Isaac Marques. Subsequently, on April 24, the company was satisfactorily certified.
In addition, in recent months the companies that have obtained WORLDCOB certification in the area of Environmental Social Responsibility are: Seguros Universales of Guatemala for successfully certifying this March 14, Banque Heritage of Uruguay which was certified on March 31, Carga y Express of Mexico which was certified on March 31, Amcor of Mexico which was certified on April 21 and Corresponsales of Spain which was certified on April 24.
Congratulations to all the companies for obtaining this certification and being considered socially responsible.
If you would like to participate, applications are now open at www.worldcob-csr.com