Peruvian companies had on-site audit visit

Peruvian companies had on-site audit visit
The five-day event began on April 19, with the visit to the first company in the Arequipa region of our country, by our Quality and CSR Director of WORLDCOB, Daniel Javier together with the rest of the Board of Directors. The company LADRILLOS DIAMANTES had already been certified since October 2021, but due to the pandemic, during this visit it would finally receive its long-awaited plaque.

Similarly, on April 20, a second visit was made to the company SEAL AREQUIPA, to present them with their plaque showing that they are being certified by WORLDCOB in terms of Environmental Social Responsibility.
Subsequently, on April 21 and 22, our Quality Director went to Lima to visit SUMMA GOLD and TAI LOY to inspect the degree of maintenance of the CSR management system in order to grant them their certification by WORLDCOB.
Similarly, on April 26, but this time to visit the company LIMATOURS, but this time with the participation of the external auditor Maria Altamirano for after this review, to welcome him to the family of WORLDCOB CSR.
This on-site visit was able to determine that the Peruvian companies obtained the certification granted by WORLDCOB in terms of Environmental Social Responsibility.
If you wish to participate, applications are now open at: